Blue Crew Resources
Training Requirements
New Umpires to PHBA
- New umpires with little or no experience
- Includes umpires from other leagues / associations
- Team umpires will be Adults Only
- Basic Umpire Training Requirements:
- 1 - 2-hour Classroom Clinic
- 1 - 3.5-hour Field Day Training
- Includes Base & Plate Training
- 1 - 2-hour Classroom Clinic
- PHBA Youth Umpire Program
- Any PHBA youth, ages 14-17, high school seniors and below, may participate
- Youth umpires CANNOT be a team umpire
Returning PHBA Umpires
- Umpire Field Day Training required of all returning PHBA umpires
- Field Day training periods broken out by umpire proficiency LEVELs assigned from the previous year
- LEVELs 1, 2, 3
- Basic Plate and Base only training
- LEVELs 4, 5, 6, 7
- Advanced mechanics
- Updates on new rules
- Review baseball & softball rule differences
- Q&A on rules consistency
- Never hurts to attend a Classroom Clinic to refresh your memory and skills
Requirements for ALL Umpires
The following requirements have been legislatively mandated as necessary for any individual who will be having contact of any type with youth in any youth sports organization.
All requirements must be completed before any umpire can work a game at PHBA.
- DOJ Background Check (BC)
- Must be completed upon completion of required training
- Complete the following two forms;
- The PHBA Volunteer Background Check Questionnaire and Declaration Form should be sent as a PDF attachment to Gary Brown, Custodian of Criminal Records.
- The Live Scan form should be completed and taken to the Pleasant Hill UPS store located 25A Crescent Drive to have the fingerprints taken. The background check fee is covered by PHBA if conducted at this location.
- Renewal: NONE. Once completed, you're done.
- EXCEPTION: No background check is necessary, if a BC was completed when the volunteer was a Manager or Coach
- Child Abuse Prevention (SA)
PHBA takes all suspicions about child abuse seriously. This online coarse prepares the individual to recognize child abuse and neglect.- Complete the "Sexual Abuse Awareness in Youth Sports for the state of California" training through Abuse Prevention Systems
- Upon completion of training, notify Beverly Razook, Board Member - Safety & Training (
- Renewal: Every two years
- Heads Up! (HU) - Concussion Protocols
This online course helps the individual keep athletes safe from concussion.- Umpires: Click HERE to launch the course.
- Create your account
- Upon completion of training, notify Beverly Razook, Board Member - Safety & Training (
- Renewal: Annually
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and the #1 killer of student athletes plus the leading cause of death on school campuses. Completion of this coarse prepares the individual to recognize and respond appropriately to a person suffering from SCA.- Complete a Sudden Cardiac Arrest awareness and prevention training like THIS
- Upon completion of training, notify Beverly Razook, Board Member - Safety & Training (
- Exception: Proof of active CPR and AED certification; Submit proof to Beverly Razook
- Renewal: None. Once completed, you're done
- NOTE: PHBA is equipped with an AED in the Snack Shack at the Pleasant Oaks Park Fields
Umpires New to PHBA from other leagues / associations
- We recognize we get umpires from other leagues with varying levels of experience. With that in mind, we still require all new umpires to PHBA attend the Classroom Clinic in order to obtain a better grasp on how we run the Blue Crew at PHBA. Let us know right away you have experience. We’ll put “extra eyes on you” during Field Day training and fast track you to the appropriate level once evaluated by the ULT.
The Curriculum
PHBA Rules | Classroom Clinics
Baseball vs Softball Rules
Levels 4+ Advanced Clinic
Advanced Mechanics
Clinics & Events
When: Sunday, February 23 (Last Chance) Time: 0730-1530 (730-330PM) Where: PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack & PO Fields Field Day training is mandatory for all PHBA umpires. The Field Day is broken out into 2 sessions designed specifically for the proficiency LEVEL assigned each umpire prior to the Field Day. SESSION 1 – Base…
When: Thursday, February 20 Time: 19-2100 (7 to 9PM) Where: PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack This is a supplemental LEVEL 1 classroom clinic for all NEW volunteer umpires who missed the two earlier Classroom Clinics. It is mandatory for any volunteer umpire NEW to PHBA. This is Step 1 of a 2-step process to…