When:  Sunday, February 23 (Last Chance)
Time:  0730-1530 (730-330PM)
Where:  PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack & PO Fields

Field Day training is mandatory for all PHBA umpires.  The Field Day is broken out into 2 sessions designed specifically for the proficiency LEVEL assigned each umpire prior to the Field Day.

SESSION 1  – Base and Plate Training:  For all team umpires NEW to PHBA, all returning LEVEL 1 & 2 umpires, and any LEVEL 4 and above umpire wanting to become Plate qualified
SESSION 2 – Advanced Mechanics/Rules Review:  Training for LEVEL 3 umpires looking to advance to the next LEVEL and LEVEL 4 and above umpires to refresh the skill set, review rule changes, expand their game presence and game management capabilities.

          SESSION 1
          What:  Base & Plate Training (NEW umpires; Returning LEVEL 1 & 2 umpires; Any LEVEL 4 umpire and above wanting to become Plate qualified
          Time:  730AM-1130AM
          Where:  PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack & PO Fields

For all new umpires, this segment of Field Day training is Step 2 in the process towards becoming a PHBA umpire.  This portion of the Field Day applies what was learned in the classroom and prepares the new umpire for the responsibilities of a LEVEL 1 Base umpire.  This segment is also required for returning LEVEL 1 and 2 umpires to reacquaint themselves to the game.
NOTE:  All umpires in this session will undergo Plate training.  The ULT has decided this training is necessary to prepare ALL umpires for possible Plate
responsibilities once the season is underway.  Basic responsibility for all NEW umpires will still be Base umpire.

This session is also for returning LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 4 & Above Base Only umpires wanting to be Plate umpires.  Base-qualified umpires who believe they are ready to handle the rigors and responsibilities behind the plate.  Umpires learn the requirements of being a Plate umpire.

Returning LEVEL 3 and above umpires should use this as a refresher in plate mechanics to prepare for the coming season.

          What:  Blue Crew Field Day Lunch
          Time:  1130AM-1215PM
          Where:  PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack

PHBA-provided lunch for All Hands attending both morning and afternoon Field Day attendees.  New umpires can meet and associate with returning veteran umpires; returning veteran umpires can reestablish old relationships from the previous season.  A way to transition from the morning training to the the afternoon sessions.

          SESSION 2
          What:  LEVEL 4 and Above Advanced Mechanics
          Time:  1215PM-330PM
          Where:  PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ aka Snack Shack & PO Fields

The final segment of Field Day training is set aside for  LEVEL 3 and above umpires.  Umpires wanting to move to the next LEVEL; learn advanced mechanics for National and Western level games; learning the role of Umpire in Charge (UIC) for games in all divisions; and understanding the rule differences at the upper divisions.  Additionally, review game management responsibilities, handling disruptive behavior (managers, fans, players, etc.), review and understand any rule changes (House, MLB, PONY, USA Softball, etc.) for the new season.