Sunday, Feb. 16 – Pitching Clinics for Pioneer/American Players
Hello PHBA families, we will have an upcoming pitching clinic for baseball and softball players in the Pioneer and American leagues. You do not need to pre-register. Please just come if you want to. These are free clinics, but we are asking for a donation of canned food that will be given to the Food Bank of…
Read MoreCoaching Clinic: Baseball/Softball Practice Planning (Zoom Meeting) – January 30th 7-9PM
WHEN: Thursday, January 30, 2025·7:00 – 9:00pm WHERE: Zoom Meeting details: https: Led by Commissioner Peddy “Big Khat” Khatami – Ideas, drills, and practice strategies for competive league teams (Pioneer and beyond), but welcome to all. ALL CLINICS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGES. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UPDATED INFORMATION.
Read MorePHBA Scorekeeper 101 Clinic1 – Tues, February 18, 7PM-9PM
When: Tuesday, February 18 Time: 7PM-9PM Where: PHBA Snack Shack Conference Room This clinic is for everyone who has NEVER kept score. This clinic will help you understand the terminology of the game of baseball and softball and how to use them during a game. Understanding the mechanics of scorekeeping will go a long way…
Read MorePre-Game Field Prep Clinic, Sat, February 22, 9AM-11AM
When: Saturday, February 22 Time: 9AM-11AM Where: PHBA ‘Sports Complex’ PO1 Mandatory for ALL volunteers NEW to pregame field preparation to attend this clinic. Volunteers with prior pregame field prep experience are urged to attend to reacquaint themselves with proper field preparation. NOTE: Failure to prepare a field properly for a game will delay the…
Read MoreBlue Crew Field Day Training 2 – Sun, February 16, 730AM-330PM
When: Sunday, February 16 Time: 730AM-330PM Where: PHBA Snack Shack Conference Room & PO Fields Field Day training is mandatory for all PHBA umpires. The Field Day is broken out into 2 sessions designed specifically for the proficiency LEVEL assigned each umpire prior to the Field Day. SESSION 1 – Base and Plate Training: For…
Read MoreBlue Crew Classroom Clinic 2 – Sat, February 15, 930AM-1130PM
When: Saturday, February 15 Time: 930AM-1130PM Where: PHBA Snack Shack Conference Room Mandatory clinic for any volunteer umpire NEW to PHBA, regardless of prior experience elsewhere. This is Step 1 of a 2-step process to qualify as a PHBA umpire. The clinic provides the volunteer an understanding of what PHBA is about, the role of…
Read MoreBlue Crew Field Day Training 1 – Sat, February 08, 730AM-330PM
When: Saturday, February 08 Time: 730AM-330PM Where: PHBA Snack Shack Conference Room & PO Fields Field Day training is mandatory for all PHBA umpires. The Field Day is broken out into 2 sessions designed specifically for the proficiency LEVEL assigned each umpire prior to the Field Day. SESSION 1 – Base and Plate Training: For…
Read MorePHBA Scorekeeper 101 Clinic2 – Sat, February 22, 10AM-Noon
When: Saturday, February 22 Time: 10AM-Noon Where: PHBA Snack Shack Conference Room This clinic is for everyone who has NEVER kept score. This clinic will help you understand the terminology of the game of baseball and softball and how to use them during a game. Understanding the mechanics of scorekeeping will go a long way…
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