Team Resources

Schedule & Standings

Battting Cages


Team managers are allowed to reserve one batting cage up to ONE week in advance. Cages are open Mondays through Sundays. Check the calendar for available time slots.

Cage #1: Closest to PO2 is for softball teams only

Cage #2: The middle cage is for baseball and softball teams

Cage #3: Closest to the parking lot is for coach pitch baseball and softball teams. There is NO pitching machine available in this cage.

While teams have priority, any PHBA team member(s) may use a cage if available. You may not reserve a cage in advance if not as a team. Please contact your division commissioners about any questions or concerns you may have.

Teams are strongly encouraged to schedule scrimmages during the practice season. It works out best if you scrimmage the teams that practice adjacent to your time slot. That way, you can get a two-hour scrimmage versus just one hour.

Managers may also request an umpire to officiate. This is a great way for teams, especially younger teams, to get used to the real thing. Additionally, this helps new and returning umpires get ready for game time as well. The Blue Crew will do its best to fulfill all requests for scrimmages. Please keep in mind that these do not count as an actual games for the umpires.

Once requested, you can check the Scrimmage Assignment schedule to see if an umpire signed up for your game.

Clinics & Training

Equipment Uniform FAQ

What equipment is provided by PHBA?

PHBA provides a bat, batting helmet, softball fielding mask, and catcher's gear to every team for any player's shared use. However, if purchasing equipment, please refer to the additional FAQ list.

Uniform jerseys, hats and socks will be provided. The team will decide on the pants and belt color to be purchased by individual families.

Batting Helmets

Baseball players must wear a helmet with face protection, either a face-guard or c-flap.

Softball players must wear a helmet with a face-guard; a c-flap is not allowed for softball.

Softball Fielding Masks

Fielding masks are required for all softball pitchers.


Softball bats must conform to current ASA certification guidelines as stated in USA Softball Official Rules of Softball.

Wood baseball bats with barrel diameters not exceeding 2-3/4” are acceptable. All non-wood bats with barrel diameters 2-1/4”, 2-5/8” and 2-3/4” may be used if they have the USSSA 1.15BPF stamp. Alternatively all 2-1/4” diameter bats may have the older text based USSSA 1.15BPF marking. Bats that meet the new USA Baseball bat specifications are also acceptable provided they are stamped with the new “USA Baseball” stamp.

Softball Balls

Pioneer - To be updated

American - To be updated


Cleats are highly recommended for Pioneer division and above. Metal cleats are never allowed BN and below.

Jackets / Outerwear

During inclement weather, it is highly suggested that players wear layers underneath their uniforms. If jackets or sweaters must be worn on the outside, the garments must be zipped all the way up. Loose clothing will not be allowed at the umpires discretion for safety precautions.

Jewelry / Watches

For the safety of our players, jewelry and watches are not allowed by any player. This includes watches, bracelets, chains, necklaces, etc. This rule will be enforced at the umpires discretion.


Sunglasses may be worn by any player unless the reflection interferes with the batter's vision at the umpires discretion.