Rules of the game
Last Updated 11-Feb-2025
Major League Baseball Rules will apply with the following exceptions and/or clarifications detailed in these House rules.
3.01(b) Each team must have a printed lineup at every game showing each player’s defensive position by inning.
3.01(d) The Guest Player Program is in effect all season except for the postseason.
3.02(a) Pre-game warmups are now limited to the outfield and the foul territory once field prep is done at the umpire's discretion. (2024)
3.04(c) Both dugout gates at PO fields will remain open.
4.10(a) Head-first slides are now allowed in both National and Western divisions.
6.01(b) Updated a rule specific to time limits for Baseball Western. (2024)
6.01(c) Rule for Drop-Dead game time limits for weekend games will remain in effect. (2024)
4.05(a) Clarified rules regarding coach pitch when kneeling. (2024)
4.07(a) Updated rule regarding squeeze plays for BN and BW.
4.08(b) Clarified rule regarding number of runners that can be called out for leaving a base early.
1.0 The Playing Field
1.01 – Field Layout
1.03 – Field Demarcations
1.04 – Field Preparation
2.0 Equipment and Uniforms
2.01 – Balls
2.02 – Bats
2.03 – Cleats
2.04 – Masks
2.05 – Helmets
3.0 Game Preliminaries
3.01 – Home Team | Lineup Card | Minimum Players
3.02 – Pre-Game Field Practice
3.03 – Team Rosters
3.04 – Field Specific Rules
3.05 – Badges
3.06 – Dugout Rules
3.07 – Alcohol / Smoking
4.0 Playing the Game
4.01 – Starting the Game
4.02 – Player Participation
4.03 – Batting Order
4.04 – Dropped Third Strike
4.05 – Coach Pitch
4.06 – Bunting
4.07 – Squeeze Play
4.08 – Leading Off | Stealing | Running the Bases
4.09 – Catcher | Home Plate
4.10 – Sliding
4.11 – Advancing on an Overthrow
4.12 – Pitching
4.13 – Runs Per Inning
4.14 – Infield Fly
5.0 Improper Behavior | Misconduct | Ejections
5.01 – Intentional Contact
5.02 – Distracting Behavior
5.03 – Backstop Behavior
5.04 – Misconduct
5.05 – Ejections
6.0 Ending the Game
6.01 – Game Length | Time Limits
6.02 – Ties
6.03 – Slaughter Rule
6.04 – Inning Surrender
6.05 – Calling a Game | Unsafe Conditions
6.06 – Game Rescheduling
6.07 – Incomplete Games
6.08 – Team Minimums
6.09 – Game Time Delay
6.10 – Protests
7.0 The Umpire
7.01 – Interrupted Play
7.02 - Judgment Calls
8.0 Scorekeeping
8.01 – Official Scorekeeper
8.02 – Scorebook Audits
8.03 – Posting Scores
1.01 – Field Layout
Official Diamond dimensions for each Division are as follows:
(a) BW: Bases – 80 feet; Pitching plate – 54 feet from the rear tip of home plate
(b) BN: Bases – 70 feet; Pitching plate – 50 feet from the rear tip of home plate
(c) BA: Bases – 60 feet; Pitching plate – 44 feet from the rear tip of home plate
(d) BP: Bases – 55 feet; Pitching plate – 38 feet from the rear tip of home plate
1.02 – Field Demarcations
(a) BW, BN: During field preparation a line will be marked (BW ½) (BN 1/3) the distance between the third base bag and home plate. A base runner on third may not cross the line until the pitch has crossed home plate. See Rule 4.07(a).
(b) BP- A six foot line shall be chalked three feet behind and parallel to the pitcher's plate.
1.03 – Rule has been omitted; it applies only to Softball.
1.04 - Field Preparation
(a) The Home Team and the Visiting Team shall BOTH share responsibility for preparing the field for play prior to each game.
(b) The game will not begin until the field is properly prepared at the umpire’s discretion.
2.01 – Game Balls
(a) Official game balls will be provided by the umpires and used for game play. All Divisions use the same baseball.
2.02 – Bats
(a) Wood baseball bats with barrel diameters not exceeding 2-3/4” are acceptable. All non-wood bats with barrel diameters 2-1/4”, 2-5/8” and 2-3/4” may be used if they have the USSSA 1.15BPF stamp. Alternatively all 2-1/4” diameter bats may have the older text based USSSA 1.15BPF marking. Bats that meet the new USA Baseball bat specifications are also acceptable provided they are stamped with the new “USA Baseball” stamp. If an illegal bat is found prior to the ball being put into play, then the bat is removed from the game and the at-bat proceeds with a legal bat. If an illegal bat is found after the ball is put into play, the batter shall be ruled out and all runners return to their positions prior to the at bat.
(b) BW: All 15 year old players are restricted to the use of a “drop” 3 (-3) or lower bat. This is commonly referred to as a “high school” bat.
2.03 – Cleats
(a) BW: Rubber cleats or steel spikes may be used by any player except in the case of use of a portable mound, the pitcher shall use rubber cleats.
(b) BN, BA, BP: No player shall be allowed to play with steel spikes. Rubber cleats may be used.
2.04 – Rule has been omitted; it applies only to Softball.
2.05 – Helmets
(a) All batters must wear batting helmets with face protection. Personal helmets will NOT be allowed if they do not have commercially available face protective devices installed.
3.01 – Home Team | Lineup Card | Minimum Players
(a) One team will be designated the Home Team for each game. Each team will be scheduled as the Home Team for approximately one half of the games so no team has an undue advantage. The Home Team will occupy the third base dugout; the Visiting Team will occupy the first base dugout.
(b) Each team must exchange a printed lineup with the opposing manager and the Umpire In Charge (UIC) at every game showing each player’s defensive position by inning, in order to verify that each player is playing per Rule 4.02(a)(b)(c). This lineup must include, at a minimum, the defensive positions for each player for the first four innings for teams of 12 or fewer players. Teams of 13 players must have the first five innings.
(c) Each Team must have a minimum of seven players throughout the entire game or forfeit.
(d) Guest Player Participation
(1) The program is limited to the regular season only. The playoffs are not eligible.
(2) The use of Guest Players must be announced at the Plate meeting.
(3) Guest Players must be house ball players from within the same game division or a level below.
(4) Guest Players are NOT allowed to pitch.
(5) Guest Players must bat at the bottom of the order. A penalty will be applied per Rule 4.03 - Batting Order.
(6) Guest Players must wear their own team uniform which identifies them as a guest for that game.
(7) The maximum number of Guest Players allowed is based on the number of players the team needs to complete a full defense, capped at no more than 4 Guest Players. Guest Players cannot be utilized to add additional bench depth.
Maximum Team Roster: Baseball – 9 players
3.02 – Pre-Game Field Practice
(a) No pregame warm-ups will be allowed on the infields, whether dragged and prepped or not. All team warm-ups will be conducted in the outfield. Team warm-ups are allowed in the dirt area between the foul lines and the fence ONLY if all field preparation is complete (foul lines, batters boxes, batter's circle) at the umpire's discretion. Managers conducting pregame warm-ups between the foul line and fence will cease warmups when the plate meeting begins.
3.03 – Team Rosters
(a) The team roster for all teams will be set on Roster Night. Players may be removed from the roster for the following reasons:
Player experiences a season ending injury
Player moves out of town
Player officially quits in writing for personal matters
Player is removed from the league for disciplinary reasons
Replacement players can only be added to team rosters from the waiting list by approval of the Head Commissioner or his/her designee.
3.04 – Field Specific Rules
(a) BN: There is a strict time limit for all games played at the Valley View Middle School field on Saturday Nights – 3:00 pm, 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Games will end at the completion of six innings or 5:15pm, 7:45 pm or 10:15 pm, whichever occurs first. This rule supersedes Rule 6.09(a) as it applies to the two (2) hour limit. To determine the winner of the game at the end of the time limit, refer to Rule 6.05(a).
(b) BA: For all games at Rodgers Smith Park the following shall apply: If a batted ball is hit into left field and on the fly is carried into the dirt area it shall be considered a home run. If a batted ball is hit into left field and bounds into the dirt area it shall be considered a ground rule double.
(c) For all games played at Pleasant Oaks Park, the following shall apply regarding dugout doors: both doors shall be fully open. If a thrown ball goes behind the door and becomes lodged, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall apply out of play rules as if the ball had traveled into the dugout.
3.05 – Badges
(a) Only the manager, coaches and team parent volunteers with PHBA ID badges (with current year sticker on person) and are permitted with the players in the dugout or on the playing field. No exceptions.
3.06 – Dugout Rules
(a) All team members, managers and coaches must be in the dugout area. The only exceptions are the hitter, the on-deck player, and the two base line coaches. Absolutely no swinging of bats outside the on-deck circle or the batter’s box is allowed. Except in case of Rule 3.06(b). The batter and on-deck player must wear helmets and remain in their appropriate designated areas. Hitting sticks are not allowed within the fence lines of the field. If a coach wants to warm up the “hole batter,” it must be outside the fenced area.
(b) At the beginning of each half inning, the lead-off batter may warm up within a safe distance of home plate while the pitcher warms up. Likewise, if a pitching change is made mid inning, the batter may warm up a safe distance from home plate while the pitcher warms up.
(c) One defensive coach may sit on a bucket outside the dugout against the fence even with the pitcher's plate. If a thrown ball hits this coach or the bucket, it will be a live ball. If the coach deliberately interferes with a ball in play, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall impose additional penalties in order to nullify the act of interference.
3.07 – Alcoholic Beverages | Smoking
(a) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & SMOKING OF ANY KIND IS PROHIBITED in the playing or spectator area of all fields. Smoking, vaping and/or chewing tobacco by a manager, coach or players are not allowed during practice or game.
4.01 – Official Game Start Time
(a) The umpire will conduct a Plate Meeting with a coach from each team, announce the official game start time and notify the official scorekeeper.
4.02 – Player Participation
(a) Each player must play a minimum of two innings (six defensive outs) within the first four innings of each game. The manager must bat every player present (whether playing defensively or not) through the complete roster in every game. The following section applies for teams that field thirteen or less players for the game. In the event that the game progresses beyond four innings, each player will play a minimum of three innings in the first five innings and four innings in the first six innings. The number of innings played may be reduced only by an incidence of player’s late arrival or leaving early. A late arriving player will play in half the innings that the player attends.
The consequence for violation of this paragraph shall be one out at the beginning of the next inning and immediate correction. A second offense in the same game shall result in a forfeiture. Managers may be suspended for violating this rule.
(b) Teams with TWELVE or fewer players. In addition to Rule 4.02(a), each player must play a minimum of two innings (six defensive outs) in the infield during the first four innings.
(c) Teams with THIRTEEN or more players. In addition to Rule 4.02(a), each player must play a minimum of one inning (three defensive outs) in the infield during the first three innings and two innings (six defensive outs) in the first five innings.
(d) Any player removed from the game by their Manager may re-enter during a natural break in play as approved by the home plate umpire.
4.03 – Batting Order
(a) Players must remain in the same batting order during the entire game. However, a player may be removed from the batting order due to conflicting obligations, injury or simply a bathroom break without penalty and may re-enter during a natural break in play as approved by the home plate umpire.
(b) A player arriving late to a game may be added to the batting order at the end of the lineup.
(c) Once an at-bat has started, a batter who is unable to complete the at-bat due to injury or otherwise will be called out.
(d) Batting order infractions not addressed by Rules 4.03(a)(b)(c) above will be remedied according to MLB rule 6.03(b).
4.04 – Dropped Third Strike
(a) BW, BN: Dropped third strike rule does apply.
(b) BP, BA: Batter may not advance on a dropped 3rd strike.
4.05 – Coach Pitch
(a) BP: After four balls, the manager or designated coach representative pitches for the balance of the count (i.e Count equals 4-1, coach has two strikes to make.) The coach/pitcher will throw no more than three pitches with the umpire calling balls/strikes. No walks are allowed. The foul ball rule applies, i.e. on the third strike, if a batter safely fouls the pitch the batter will remain at bat for another pitch.
(1) The manager or Coach/pitcher can pitch from a standing or kneeling position; all pitches must be delivered in an overhand motion.
(2) All coach pitches must be delivered from the pitching plate. “From the pitching plate” is defined as having one foot or knee on the plate at the start and through the end of the natural pitching motion. If kneeling, the knee must be in contact with the plate.
(3) It is the responsibility of the coach to stay out of the way of the defense. However, if the coach is hit by a batted ball, the ball is live and play will continue. The coach-pitcher should exit the infield quickly while making every effort not to interfere with a ball in play. If the coach interferes with a ball in play, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall impose additional penalties in order to nullify the act of interference.
(4) A defensive player must have at least one foot on the line marked three feet behind the pitching plate when the coach is pitching.
(5) A batter hit by a pitch from the manager or coach pitcher will not take first base. The pitch will be considered a ball.
4.06 – Bunting
(a) BA: Bunting is allowed with the following exception: bunting is NOT allowed with a runner on third base. If in the opinion of the umpire, a ball is intentionally bunted with a runner on third base, the ball is dead, the batter is out and runners do not advance.
(b) BP: Bunting is NOT allowed. If a batter intentionally bunts a ball, the ball is dead and the batter will be called out.
4.07 – Squeeze Plays
(a) BW, BN: Suicide squeeze plays are NOT allowed. A player may not cross the hash mark until the ball is hit or reaches the plate. If a suicide squeeze is called by the umpire, the runner is out, the pitch counts and no other runners may advance unless forced to advance by a play or a walk. Safety squeeze plays are allowed.
BW – ½ way BN – ⅓ way
4.08 – Leading Off | Stealing | Running the Bases
(a) BA: No “Turn-n-Burn” allowed. When a batter is walked and awarded first base, the batter-runner player may not advance until the first pitch to the next batter. Existing runners on base may steal.
(b) BA: Stealing is allowed, however, runners may NOT lead off. If a runner leaves the base before the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand, the ball is dead and the runner will be called out. If multiple baserunners leave early, only the lead runner may be called out for leaving a base early.
(c) BA: Runner at third base may not steal home. If a runner at third base draws a throw from the catcher, it will be ruled as an attempt to steal home. The runner will be sent back if they are successful, however, if called out, the call will stand. No runners may advance and are in jeopardy of being put out.
(1) Scoring is only allowed:
On a batted ball.
Bases loaded on a walk or hit batter.
Continuous play on a batted ball.
(d) BP: On a batted ball to the infield, runners may advance at their own risk a maximum of two bases from the base occupied at the time the pitch was made. On a batted ball to the outfield, runners may advance at their own risk with no limitations.
“to the outfield” is defined as a batted ball into fair territory that EITHER reaches the outfield grass without first being touched by an infielder OR is first touched/fielded by an outfielder.
“to the infield” is defined as a batted ball into fair territory not meeting the criteria of 4.08(d)(1).
(e) BP: Stealing is NOT allowed
(f) BP: Runners may NOT lead off. If a runner leaves a base before the ball crosses home plate, the ball is dead and the runner will be called out.
(g) BP: In returning the ball to the pitcher, a missed throw from the catcher will not constitute a play and no advance of the bases will be allowed.
4.09 – Catchers | Home Plate
(a) The catcher must leave an avenue to the plate for the runner during a play at home unless in possession of the ball or in the act of receiving the ball. This rule will also apply to any other player covering home plate. For instance: the pitcher covering home plate on a wild pitch. (See Rule 5.01)
4.10 – Sliding
(a) BW, BN: Head first slides are allowed.
(b) BA, BP: Sliding is allowed however head first slides are NOT allowed except when a runner is returning to a previously occupied base. If a runner slides head first, other than when returning to a base, the ball is dead and the runner will be called out.
4.11 – Advancing on Overthrow
See rules Rule 4.08(c) and 4.08(d).
4.12 – Pitching
The starting and subsequent new pitchers may take up to eight warm-up pitches not to exceed one minute. Returning pitchers may take up to five warm-up pitches not to exceed one minute.
(a) BW: No player shall pitch more than 60 pitches per day or more than 100 pitches per calendar week through the first four full weeks of the season. No player shall pitch more than 75 pitches per day or 110 pitches per calendar week starting the fifth Monday of the season. (A calendar week is from 12:00 am on Monday to 11:59 pm the following Sunday)
(b) BW: Players with a league age of fifteen years old shall be permitted to pitch 50 pitches per week. Only one fifteen year old player may pitch per week. (A calendar week is from 12:00 am on Monday to 11:59 pm the following Sunday).
(c) BN: No player shall pitch more than 55 pitches or three innings per day or more than 85 pitches or six innings in a week through the first four full weeks of the season. No player shall pitch more than 70 pitches or four innings per day or more than 100 pitches or eight innings per calendar week starting the fifth Monday of the season. (A calendar week is from 12:00 am on Monday to 11:59 pm the following Sunday).
(d) BA: No player shall pitch more than 50 pitches or three innings per day or more than 75 pitches or six innings per calendar week. (A calendar week is from 12:00 am on Monday to 11:59 pm the following Sunday)
(e) BP: No player shall pitch more than 40 pitches or two innings per day, whichever comes first. Additionally, all players are limited to no more than 60 pitches or four innings pitched per calendar week. (A calendar week is from 12:00 am on Monday to 11:59 pm Sunday.)
(f) If a pitcher reaches the maximum number of pitches in the middle of a player’s at bat, they will be allowed to finish pitching to that batter before the pitcher must be removed. The official Scorekeeper is responsible for ensuring that pitches are counted. Warm up pitches do not count toward the daily/weekly pitch counts.
Pitching changes can be made at any time except in the middle of a player’s at bat. Exception - In the case of injury to the pitcher, a pitching change may be made mid at bat. The manager should make his/her intention known to the home plate umpire.
(g) BW, BN, BA: Pitchers shall have at least 36 hours of rest before pitching again if they throw more than 30 pitches on any one calendar day. They may pitch no more than BW-75, BN-70, BA-50 pitches in back-to-back days. The 36 hours rest rule is computed from the scheduled starting time of the game in which the pitching occurred.
(h) BP: Pitchers shall have at least 36 hours of rest after pitching in two innings on the same calendar day. The 36 hours rest rule is computed from the scheduled starting time of the game in which the pitching occurred.
(i) Once one pitch is made in an inning, it counts as an “inning pitched”
(j) The pitcher may pitch from the windup or the stretch regardless of runners on base.
(k) The following regulates mound visits that require removal of a pitcher from the game.
(1) This rule limits the number of trips a manager or coach may make to any one pitcher in any one inning.
(2) A second trip to the same pitcher in the same inning will cause this pitcher’s automatic removal from the game.
(3) A visit to the mound by a manager or coach shall only count for this rule after the first pitch or play in that half inning.
(4) There is no defined limit of mound visits per game per team.
(5) Granting time to a manager or coach continues at the discretion of the plate umpire in order to avoid undue delay of play.
(l) BW, BN: Balks – Warnings for balks shall be issued to each individual pitcher one time per game through the ending of the third full week of games. Beginning the fourth Monday of the season no warnings will be issued. Balks fall under the category of “umpire Judgment”. See Rule 7.01(a).
(1) BW, BN: Called balks shall be enforced as a dead ball and award bases accordingly.
(2) BA, BP: Balks will not be called in these divisions; however, the umpire may point out incorrect pitching technique.
(m) Once a pitcher is removed from the pitching duties in a given game, they cannot return as pitcher in that game.
(n) BW, BN - Intentional walks are allowed. If the pitcher desires to intentionally walk the batter, all pitches must be legally delivered.
BA, BP - Intentional walks are not allowed.
4.13 – Runs Per Inning
(a) BW, BN: There will be five runs maximum per team per inning through the fourth inning.
(1) BW: The number of runs in the fifth, sixth, and seventh innings is unlimited.
(2) BN: The number of runs in the fifth and sixth innings is unlimited.
(b) BA, BP: There will be three runs maximum per team per inning through the fourth inning.
(1) The number of runs in the fifth and sixth innings is unlimited.
(c) In the limited innings, the batter, any baserunners and fielders should play any batted ball to the natural conclusion of the play, even when it appears that the final allowable run for that inning will score before the natural conclusion.
(d) All runs driven in by an over the fence home run will count regardless of the Maximum Run Rule (Rule 4.13(a)(b)(c)) and the Slaughter Rule (Rule 6.03(a)).
4.14 – Infield Fly
(a) BW, BN: Infield fly rule does apply
(b) BA, BP: Infield fly rule does not apply
5.01 – Intentional Contact
(a) When a defensive player is attempting to make a play on a runner at any base including home, unless the runner is sliding, the runner will be called out if they intentionally collide with the defensive player. (See Rule 4.09)
5.02 – Distracting Behavior
(a) No fielder shall take a position in the batter’s line of vision, and with deliberate unsportsmanlike intent, act in a manner to distract the batter. PENALTY: The umpire shall immediately call a dead ball, the offender shall be removed from the game and shall leave the playing field. If any pitch is made, it shall be nullified.
5.03 – Backstop Behavior
(a) No one may stand behind the backstop unless bleachers are positioned there. Coaches standing behind the backstop may be ejected by the umpire.
5.04 – Misconduct
(a) No manager, player, substitute, coach or batboy shall at any time, whether from the bench, the coach’s box or on the playing field, or elsewhere
(1) Incite, or try to incite, by word or sign, a demonstration by spectators;
(2) Use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire, or any spectator;
(3) Call “Time” or employ any word or phrase or commit any act while the ball is live and in play for the obvious purpose of trying to make the pitcher commit an illegal pitch.
(4) Make intentional contact with the umpire in any manner;
(5) Rule 5.04(a)1,2,3,4 violations are subject to immediate ejection by the umpire.
5.05 – Ejections
(a) Either physical or verbal altercations will result in an automatic ejection from the game. This includes players, managers, coaches and spectators. Any ejected person must leave the area before resumption of the game is permitted. ALL PLAYERS, MANAGERS AND COACHES will be subject to the PHBA Code of Conduct. Any player, manager or coach ejected from a game by the umpire may face further disciplinary action to be determined by the Division Commissioner and Head Commissioner that may affect their standing in future games. Additional sanctions may be imposed at the discretion of PHBA. Any player, manager or coach ejected for a second time in a season will face further disciplinary action to be determined by the Division Commissioner and Head Commissioner that may affect their standing in future games. The PHBA Board of Commissioners will review all suspensions and any appeals to a suspension.
6.01 – Game Length | Time Limits
(a) Six innings (seven in BW) shall constitute a regular game. If after three innings (four in BW) the game must be called, it will go on record as a complete game – 2 ½ innings (3 ½ in BW) if the HOME TEAM is ahead.
(b) All games will have a two hour time limit. All games begin at the scheduled time. A new inning begins immediately following the third out. No new inning will start after the time limit for all games. Once a new inning is started within the time limit, the inning will be played to completion, unless called in accordance with Rule 6.01(c)(d) or 6.05(a). The time limit pertains to starting a new inning - not finishing the inning once it has been started.
(c) All weekend games will have a “drop-dead” end time of 2 hours 15 minutes after official start time. This rule supersedes Rule 6.01(b) as it applies to the game time limit.
(d) There is a strict time limit for all games played at the Valley View Middle School field on Saturday Nights – 3:00 pm, 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Games will end at the completion of six innings or 5:15pm, 7:45 pm or 10:15 pm, whichever occurs first. This rule supersedes Rule 6.01(b) as it applies to the game time limit.
6.02 – Ties
(a) If after six innings, the game is tied, the game will continue until a winner is determined, time permitting (see Rule 6.09(a)). If a tie game must be called, it will be counted as half of a win.
6.03 – Slaughter Rule
(a) If a team is ten runs ahead at the end of the fifth inning (4 ½ if the home team is ahead), or sixth inning in BW (5 ½ if the home team is ahead), the game will be called.
6.04 – Inning Surrender
(a) BW, BN, BA, BP: Each Manager may decide to end their offensive half of an inning if they choose by notifying the umpires that they will surrender the remainder of their at bats for the inning. At that point the half inning is over and the other team will come up to bat. This is only allowable in unlimited run innings. If the team that surrenders their inning comes up again, the batting order must start exactly where it was left off before so that no batters are skipped.
6.05 – Calling a Game | Unsafe Conditions
(a) Umpire’s may call a game at any time because of any unsafe playing conditions such as, but not limited to, darkness, foul weather or field time limits 6.01(c). Umpires must call the game for darkness ten minutes after the published sundown time for Pleasant Hill. If a game is called before any full inning is completed, the score reverts to the last full inning. No consideration to the score will be given by the umpires in determining whether to call a game. When the umpires call a game, the game will immediately stop and the score will revert to the end of the last full inning. For purposes of this rule, the last “full inning” is defined as the last inning in which the Visiting Team has completed its turn at bat with three outs and the Home Team has either completed its turn at bat with three outs or the Home Team is at bat and either tied or is leading in runs scored, regardless of the number of outs. There are three possible scenarios.
(1) If a game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Visiting Team is still at bat, the score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning.
(2) If a game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Home Team is at bat with less than three outs, and the Home Team is behind in runs scored, the score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning. If the Home team has tied the score after being behind the previous inning, the game will be scored a TIE. The score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning in any other scenario except Rule 6.05(a)(3).
(3) If the game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Home Team is at bat and is leading in runs scored, the score will be the current score and the Home Team will be declared the winner.
6.06 – Game Rescheduling
(a) No game will be rescheduled, except for bad weather or unsafe playing conditions. All proposed rescheduling must be approved in advance by the Division Commissioner. Rain outs are a tie if not rescheduled. Games not played due to weather will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Division Commissioner.
6.07 – Incomplete Game
(a) A game called under Rule 6.05(a) that is not yet a complete game under Rule 6.01(a) will be rescheduled to the extent possible under Rule 6.06(a). A rescheduled game will resume at the point that the game was called and will continue until it qualifies as a complete game, ie, three innings completed; 2 1/2 innings (four and 3 1/2 in BW) if the home team is ahead. The batting order, pitchers and pitch counts will carry over to the resumed game.
(1) Pitches used in the resumed game will also count against the pitcher’s pitch counts for the week in which the game was resumed.
6.08 – Team Minimums
(a) This rule moved to Baseball Rule 3.01(c)
6.09 – Game Time Delay
(a) The Umpire In Charge (UIC) may pause the game clock as it pertains to the allotted time limit in the case of a significant injury, weather or other field condition related delay.
(1) Significant injury is an injury that requires a stop in play to attend to a player or other participant in the field of play for greater than 5 minutes.
(2) In the judgment of the UIC, weather or other field conditions require temporary stop in play and removal of all participants from the field, but does not lead to calling the game under Rule 6.05(a).
In such cases the UIC shall notify the official scorekeeper at the time such pause begins and ends, notify both teams that the time clock has been paused and time will be added. When play is ready to resume, the UIC shall notify the official scorekeeper and both teams of the amount of time to be added. The official scorekeeper shall document the length of time paused and the new end time for the game.
All other rules governing the end of a game as outlined in section 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 60.5 and 6.07 shall remain in effect.
(b) All forfeiture times are ten minutes after official game time. Umpire’s time is considered official.
6.10 – Protests
(a) Protests may be entered on the interpretations of the rules or the illegal use of players. There can be no protest over a judgment call of the umpires.
(b) PROTEST PROCEDURE: The protesting Manager shall immediately notify the umpire, before another ball is pitched or any succeeding play begins, that the game is being played under protest. The umpire will then notify the opposing Manager and both scorekeepers. The protest (in writing from the protesting Manager) must be delivered to the Commissioner of that division within 48 hours of the game’s end. Violation of this procedure voids the protest. A $100.00 fee must be included with the formal protest and will be returned only if the protest is allowed.
7.01 – Interrupted Play
(a) In most cases, when an injury occurs to a game participant within the field of play, umpires shall allow the play to proceed to conclusion before calling time.
(b) If in the judgment of the umpires, an injury to a game participant within the field of play is significant enough to jeopardize the safety of the participant, then time may be called immediately.
(1) Once the Umpire In Charge (UIC) determines the situation has resolved sufficiently to continue the game safely, the UIC will confer with the other umpires to determine appropriate actions to provide a natural conclusion to the play. If needed they may confer with the official scorekeeper.
7.02 - Judgment Calls
(a) Managers, coaches or players cannot dispute any judgment call by the umpire (i.e. balls, strikes etc). Disputing a judgment call may result in ejection from the game.
8.01 – Official Scorekeeper
(a) Home Team supplies the official scorekeeper. Visiting Team supplies an additional scorekeeper. Each manager must present to the opposing scorekeeper a completed lineup card prior to the beginning of the game. After each inning, the Visiting Team scorekeeper will check with the Home Team scorekeeper for the correct score. Disagreements will be resolved by the umpire.
8.02 – Scorebook Audits
(a) All scorebooks are subject to audit by the Division Commissioner at any time.
8.03 – Posting Game Scores
(a) Both team managers are responsible for posting the game score on the league website within 24 hours.
- All games will have a 90-minute time limit. All games official start time is the scheduled game time, even if you do not start on time. A new inning begins immediately following the completion of each team batting their entire roster or if the defense records three outs; whichever occurs first. No new inning will start after 90 minutes of play for any/all games (including weekend games). Once a new inning is started within the 90-minute time limit, the inning will be played to completion, unless called in accordance with Rule 6.05. The 90-minute limit pertains to starting a new inning, not finishing the inning once it has been started.
- One team will be designated the HOME TEAM for each game. Both HOME and VISITING TEAMS are responsible for the preparation of the field. Each team will be scheduled as the HOME TEAM approximately one-half of the games so no team has an undue advantage. The HOME TEAM will occupy the third (3rd) base dugout; the VISITING TEAM will occupy the first (1st) base dugout. The VISITING TEAM will practice first prior to each game.
- No practice on dragged fields until 20 minutes before game time. Each team is allowed 10 minutes practice prior to the start of the game (time permitting). In the event the field is not ready 20 minutes before the game, practice time available will be equally split between the two teams.
- Each team must have a minimum of seven players throughout the entire game.
- Five (5) innings shall constitute a regular game or the completion of the inning after 90 minutes from the start of the game.
- Team Managers must call a game because of any unsafe playing conditions such as, but not limited to: darkness, foul weather, and rain. Applicable to all PHBA playing fields: “Darkness” will be determined as 10 minutes after published sundown time for that day. A listing of sundown times will be posted on the PHBA website as well as the Snack Shack window. Managers have no discretion in regard to this rule.
- No game will be rescheduled, except for bad weather or unsafe playing conditions. All rescheduling will be done at the discretion of the League Commissioner. Not every cancelled game may be made up.
- No one may stand behind the backstop unless bleachers are positioned there.
- No Manager, Player, Substitute, Coach or Batboy shall at any time, whether from the bench, the coach’s box or on the playing field, or elsewhere:
- Incite, or try to incite, by word or sign a demonstration by spectators.
- Use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, managers, coaches or any spectator.
- No fielder shall take a position in the batter’s line of vision, and with deliberate unsportsmanlike intent, act in a manner to distract the batter. PENALTY: the offender shall be removed from the game and shall leave the playing field.
- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & SMOKING ARE NOT ALLOWED in the playing or spectator area. Smoking and/or chewing tobacco by a Manager or Coach is not allowed during practice or a game.
- No player will be allowed to play with steel spikes. Rubber cleats may be used.
- Each player must play a minimum of two (2) innings, six (6) defensive outs, within the first four (4) innings of each game. No player may play the same defensive position more than twice in any one game. EACH PLAYER MUST PLAY AT LEAST ONE INNING IN BOTH THE INFIELD AND OUTFIELD WITHIN THE FIRST THREE (3) INNINGS OF EACH GAME. The Manager will bat every player present (whether playing defensively or not), through the complete roster, in every game. Managers may be suspended for violating this rule. No player should sit out consecutive innings. (Remember this is instructional and PHBA every kid plays!)
- Players must remain in the same batting order during the entire game
- All team members, managers and coaches, wearing their current season PHBA badge, must be in the dugout area. The only exceptions are the hitter, the on-deck player, a coach pitching to their players, and the two (2) base coaches; one on first base and the other at third base. Absolutely no swinging of bats outside the on-deck circle or the batter’s box is allowed. The batter and on-deck player must wear helmets and remain in their appropriate designated areas.
- When a defensive player is attempting to make a play on a runner at any base including home, unless the runner is sliding, the runner will be called out if they intentionally collide with the defensive player.
- Any player removed from the game by their Manager may re-enter during a natural break in play.
- Protests are not allowed in the Intermediate League.
- Bases should be 55 feet apart.
- Be mindful with on deck circles at Pleasant Hill Park as families tend to sit there and it can be dangerous when the kids are swinging the bat.
- Runners MAY NOT lead off.
- Stealing is NOT allowed.
- Sliding is allowed.
- Head first slides are NOT allowed.
- Infield fly rule does not apply.
- Runners may advance ONE base on a thrown ball into out-of-play areas (Past the first and third base fence lines.)
- The maximum number of bases a runner can advance on each batted ball as a result of an overthrown ball is ONE - REGARDLESS of the numbers of overthrows. An overthrow is defined as when the ball gets reasonably past the recipient who is at a base. The play is considered “over” once the ball is in the possession of an infielder within the diamond. If the runner is past the halfway mark, they may proceed to that base only at their own risk.
- During field preparation, a line will be marked on each baseline, one half the distances between the bases.
- If play is stopped by the pitcher or any infielder touching the ball, runners will be allowed to advance to the next base at their own risk provided the runner has passed the applicable halfway mark. If the runner has not passed the applicable halfway mark, the runner will be required to return to the previous base. No further play may be made on the runner returning to the previous base.
- Runners my only score from third on a battered ball, no runner may score from third on an overthrow or a thrown ball out of play
- An overthrow does NOT include attempts to throw the ball back to the pitcher.
- Bunting is NOT allowed.
- All batters must wear batting helmets.
- No score will be kept or will be posted in the league and no standings kept in Boys Intermediate 7.
PITCHING RULES: This is a manager/coach pitch league with the following conditions:
- The manager/coach of the team at bat shall pitch to his/her own team.
- The manager/coach can pitch from a standing or kneeling position and the manager/coach must be within a couple feet of the pitching rubber.
- Each batter will receive 6 pitches. If after the pitches, the batter does not put the ball in play, they are OUT. No tees are used in Intermediate 7.
- If the batter fouls off the 6th pitch, they are allowed to continue the at bat.
- There are no walks or hit batters.
- When the ball is hit, it is the responsibility of the manager/coach to stay out of the way of the defensive players. If the ball hits the manager/coach, it is still in play.
- The infield will consist of a defensive pitcher, catcher, shortstop, first, second and third base persons, playing their respective positions. The infield may NOT crowd the batter.
- The outfield will be left, center and right fielders and one rover (optional) who must stay in the outfield. All four (4) outfielders must be positioned at least ten (10) feet beyond the infield base path.
- Each half of an inning is over after the offensive team has completed batting their entire roster or recorded three outs.
- The last batter of each roster will have finished his turn when he arrives safely at the base of play or is made out by a defensive play or strikeout.
- The final hitter on each roster does not “hit a homerun” at each at bat.
- Players arriving after the start of any game must be added to the end of the batting roster.
PDF Version
USA Softball Junior Olympics (JO) FastPitch Rules will apply with the following exceptions and/or clarifications detailed in these House rules.
3.01(b) Each team must have a printed lineup at every game showing each player’s defensive position by inning.
3.01(d) The Guest Player Program is in effect all season except for the postseason.
3.02(a) Pre-game warmups are now limited to the outfield and the foul territory once field prep is done at the umpire's discretion. (2024)
3.04(c) Both dugout gates at PO fields will remain open.
4.10(a) Head-first slides are now allowed in both National and Western divisions.
4.08(c) Updated the “overthrow” rule for Softball American to limit the number of bases allowed to only one base regardless of continuous play on a non-batted ball.
6.01(c) Rule for Drop-Dead game time limits for weekend games will remain in effect. (2024)
4.05(a) Clarified rules regarding coach pitch when kneeling. (2024)
4.08(a) Clarified rules regarding no “turn-n-burn” for Softball American. (2024)
4.12(g)(1) Clarified the penalty resulting from an illegal pitch in accordance with JO Fastpitch rules. (2024)
2024 Official PHBA Softball Rules
USA Softball Junior Olympics (JO) FastPitch Rules will apply with the following exceptions and/or clarifications detailed in these House rules.
1.0 The Playing Field
1.01 – Field Layout
1.03 – Pitching Plates | Circles
1.04 – Field Preparation
2.0 Equipment and Uniforms
2.01 – Balls
2.02 – Bats
2.03 – Cleats
2.04 – Masks
2.05 – Helmets
3.0 Game Preliminaries
3.01 – Home Team | Lineup Card | Minimum Players
3.02 – Pre-Game Field Practice
3.03 – Team Rosters
3.04 – Field Specific Rules
3.05 – Badges
3.06 – Dugout Rules
3.07 – Alcohol / Smoking
4.0 Playing the Game
4.01 – Starting the Game
4.02 – Player Participation
4.03 – Batting Order
4.04 – Dropped Third Strike
4.05 – Coach Pitch
4.06 – Bunting
4.08 – Leading Off | Stealing | Running the Bases
4.09 – Catcher | Home Plate
4.10 – Sliding
4.11 – Advancing on an Overthrow
4.12 – Pitching
4.13 – Runs Per Inning
4.14 – Infield Fly
5.0 Improper Behavior | Misconduct | Ejections
5.01 – Intentional Contact
5.02 – Distracting Behavior
5.03 – Backstop Behavior
5.04 – Misconduct
5.05 – Ejections
6.0 Ending the Game
6.01 – Game Length | Time Limits
6.02 – Ties
6.03 – Slaughter Rule
6.04 – Inning Surrender
6.05 – Calling a Game | Unsafe Conditions
6.06 – Game Rescheduling
6.07 – Incomplete Games
6.08 – Team Minimums
6.09 – Game Time Delay
6.10 – Protests
7.0 The Umpire
7.01 – Interrupted Play
7.02 - Judgment Calls
8.0 Scorekeeping
8.01 – Official Scorekeeper
8.02 – Scorebook Audits
8.03 – Posting Scores
1.01 – Field Layout
Official Diamond dimensions for each Division are as follows:
(a) SW, SN, SA: Bases – 60 feet, the double base will be used at first
(b) SP: Bases – 55 feet, the double base will be used at first
1.02 – Rule has been omitted; it applies only to Baseball.
1.03 – Pitching Plates | Circles
(a) A circle 8 feet in radius will be marked around the center of the pitching plate.
(b) Distance from the center of the pitching plate to the rest tip of home plate for each division as as follows:
SW - 43 feet SN - 40 feet SA - 35 feet SP - 30 feet
1.04 - Field Preparation
(a) The Home Team and the Visiting Team shall BOTH share responsibility for preparing the field for play prior to each game.
(b) The game will not begin until the field is properly prepared at the umpire’s discretion.
2.01 – Game Balls
(a) Official game balls will be provided by the umpires and used for game play.
SP - 11" RIF 1 (or equivalent)
SA - 11" RIF 10 (or equivalent)
SN - 12" CDP (or equivalent)
SW - 12" CDP (or equivalent)
2.02 – Bats
(a) Bats must conform to current USA Softball certification guidelines as stated in USA Softball Official Rules of Softball.
2.03 – Cleats
(a) SW: Rubber cleats or steel spikes may be used by any player.
(b) SN, SA, SP: No player shall be allowed to play with steel spikes. Rubber cleats may be used.
2.04 – Masks
(a) SW, SN, SA, SP: All pitchers must wear face masks.
2.05 – Helmets
(a) All batters must wear batting helmets with face protection. Personal helmets will NOT be allowed if they do not have commercially available face protective devices installed. Baseball style C-flaps are not allowed as batting helmets.
3.01 – Home Team | Lineup Card | Minimum Players
(a) One team will be designated the Home Team for each game. Each team will be scheduled as the Home Team for approximately one half of the games so no team has an undue advantage. The Home Team will occupy the third base dugout; the Visiting Team will occupy the first base dugout.
(b) Each team must exchange a printed lineup with the opposing manager and the Umpire In Charge (UIC) at every game showing each player’s defensive position by inning, in order to verify that each player is playing per Rule 4.02(a)(b)(c). This lineup must include, at a minimum, the defensive positions for each player for the first four innings for teams of 12 or fewer players. Teams of 13 players must have the first five innings.
(c) Each Team must have a minimum of six players throughout the entire game or forfeit.
(d) Guest Player Participation
(1) The program is limited to the regular season only. The playoffs are not eligible.
(2) The use of Guest Players must be announced at the Plate meeting.
(3) Guest Players must be house ball players from within the same game division or a level below.
(4) Guest Players are NOT allowed to pitch.
(5) Guest Players must bat at the bottom of the order. A penalty will be applied per Rule 4.03 - Batting Order.
(6) Guest Players must wear their own team uniform which identifies them as a guest for that game.
(7) The maximum number of Guest Players allowed is based on the number of players the team needs to complete a full defense, capped at no more than 4 Guest Players. Guest Players cannot be utilized to add additional bench depth.
Maximum Team Roster: Softball – 10 players
3.02 – Pre-Game Field Practice
(a) No pregame warm-ups will be allowed on the infields, whether dragged and prepped or not. All team warm-ups will be conducted in the outfield. Team warm-ups are allowed in the dirt area between the foul lines and the fence ONLY if all field preparation is complete (foul lines, batters boxes, batter's circle) at the umpire's discretion. Managers conducting pregame warm-ups between the foul line and fence will cease warmups when the plate meeting begins.
3.03 – Team Rosters
(a) The team roster for all teams will be set on Roster Night. Players may be removed from the roster for the following reasons:
Player experiences a season ending injury
Player moves out of town
Player officially quits in writing for personal matters
Player is removed from the league for disciplinary reasons
Replacement players can only be added to team rosters from the waiting list by approval of the Head Commissioner or his/her designee.
3.04 – Field Specific Rules
(a) SN, SW: There is a strict time limit for all games played at the College Park High School field on Saturday Nights – 3:00 pm, 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Games will end at the completion of six innings or 5:15pm, 7:45 pm or 10:15 pm, whichever occurs first. This rule supersedes Rule 6.09(a) as it applies to the two (2) hour limit. To determine the winner of the game at the end of the time limit, refer to Rule 6.05(a).
(b) Rule has been omitted; it applies only to Baseball.
(c) For all games played at Pleasant Oaks Park, the following shall apply regarding dugout doors: both doors shall be fully open. If a thrown ball goes behind the door and becomes lodged, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall apply out of play rules as if the ball had traveled into the dugout.
3.05 – Badges
(a) Only the manager, coaches and team parent volunteers with PHBA ID badges (with current year sticker on person) and are permitted with the players in the dugout or on the playing field. No exceptions.
3.06 – Dugout Rules
(a) All team members, managers and coaches must be in the dugout area. The only exceptions are the hitter, the on-deck player, and the two base line coaches. Absolutely no swinging of bats outside the on-deck circle or the batter’s box is allowed. Except in case of Rule 3.06(b). The batter and on-deck player must wear helmets and remain in their appropriate designated areas. Hitting sticks are not allowed within the fence lines of the field. If a coach wants to warm up the “hole batter,” it must be outside the fenced area.
(b) At the beginning of each half inning, the lead-off batter may warm up within a safe distance of home plate while the pitcher warms up. Likewise, if a pitching change is made mid inning, the batter may warm up a safe distance from home plate while the pitcher warms up.
(c) One defensive coach may sit on a bucket outside the dugout against the fence even with the pitcher's plate. If a thrown ball hits this coach or the bucket, it will be a live ball. If the coach deliberately interferes with a ball in play, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall impose additional penalties in order to nullify the act of interference.
3.07 – Alcoholic Beverages | Smoking
(a) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & SMOKING OF ANY KIND IS PROHIBITED in the playing or spectator area of all fields. Smoking, vaping and/or chewing tobacco by a manager, coach or players are not allowed during practice or game.
4.01 – Official Game Start Time
(a) The umpire will conduct a Plate Meeting with a coach from each team, announce the official game start time and notify the official scorekeeper.
(b) The starting and subsequent new pitchers may take up to ten warm-up pitches not to exceed one minute.
4.02 – Player Participation
(a) Each player must play a minimum of two innings (six defensive outs) within the first four innings of each game. The manager must bat every player present (whether playing defensively or not) through the complete roster in every game. The following section applies for teams that field thirteen or less players for the game. In the event that the game progresses beyond four innings, each player will play a minimum of three innings in the first five innings and four innings in the first six innings. The number of innings played may be reduced only by an incidence of player’s late arrival or leaving early. A late arriving player will play in half the innings that the player attends.
The consequence for violation of this paragraph shall be one out at the beginning of the next inning and immediate correction. A second offense in the same game shall result in a forfeiture. Managers may be suspended for violating this rule.
(b) In addition to Rule 4.02(a), each player must play a minimum of two innings (six defensive outs) in the infield during the first four innings.
(c) Teams with THIRTEEN or more players. In addition to Rule 4.02(a), each player must play a minimum of one inning (three defensive outs) in the infield during the first three innings and two innings (six defensive outs) in the first five innings.
(d) Any player removed from the game by their Manager may re-enter during a natural break in play as approved by the home plate umpire.
(e) Outfielders and an optional rover must stay out of the infield area with both feet on the edge of the grass. Exceptions can be made at field PO2 at the discretion of the umpire. Pitcher and catcher positions must be filled at all times.
(f) Any player removed from the game by their Manager may re-enter during a natural break in play as approved by the home plate umpire.
4.03 – Batting Order
(a) Players must remain in the same batting order during the entire game. However, a player may be removed from the batting order due to conflicting obligations, injury or simply a bathroom break without penalty and may re-enter during a natural break in play as approved by the home plate umpire.
(b) A player arriving late to a game may be added to the batting order at the end of the lineup.
(c) Once an at-bat has started, a batter who is unable to complete the at-bat due to injury or otherwise will be called out.
(d) Batting order infractions not addressed by Rules 4.03(a)(b)(c) above will be remedied according to USA Softball Rule 7 Section 2(d).
4.04 – Dropped Third Strike
(a) SW, SN: Dropped third strike rule does apply.
(b) SP, SA: Batter may not advance on a dropped 3rd strike.
4.05 – Coach Pitch
(a) SP: A player pitcher will throw a maximum of four pitches to each batter with the following possible outcomes:
- The batter hits the ball fair and either reaches base safely or is put out by the defense.
- The batter reaches a count with 3 strikes. The batter is retired.
- If the first two outcomes do not occur, then the manager or designated coach representative pitches for the balance of the count (i.e. count equals 3-1, coach has two strikes to make.) The coach will throw no more than three pitches with the umpire calling balls/strikes. No walks are allowed. The foul ball rule applies, i.e. on the third strike, if a batter safely fouls the pitch the batter will remain at bat for another pitch.
(1) The coach must pitch underhand.
(2) All coach pitches must be delivered from the pitching plate. “From the pitching plate” is defined as having one foot or knee on the plate at the start and through the end of the natural pitching motion. If kneeling, the knee must be in contact with the plate.
(3) It is the responsibility of the coach to stay out of the way of the defense. However, if the coach is hit by a batted ball, the ball is live and play will continue. The coach-pitcher should exit the infield quickly while making every effort not to interfere with a ball in play. If the coach interferes with a ball in play, the ball shall be called dead and the umpire shall impose additional penalties in order to nullify the act of interference.
(4) A defensive player must have at least one foot in the pitching circle when the coach is pitching.
(5) A batter hit by a pitch from the manager or coach pitcher will not take first base. The pitch will be considered a ball.
4.06 – Bunting
(a) SW, SN, SA: Bunting is allowed
(b) SP: Bunting is NOT allowed. If a batter intentionally bunts a ball, the ball is dead and the batter will be called out.
4.07 – Rule has been omitted; it applies only to Baseball
4.08 – Leading Off | Stealing | Running the Bases
(a) SA: No “Turn-n-Burn” allowed. When a batter is walked and awarded first base, the batter-runner player may not advance until the first pitch to the next batter. Existing runners on base may steal.
(b) SW, SN, SA: Runners may not lead off. Runners may steal once the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. If the runner leaves the base before the pitcher releases the ball, the runner will be called out. If multiple baserunners leave early, only the lead runner will be called out for leaving a base early.
(c) SA: On a non-batted ball, a runner may advance a maximum of one base from the base they currently occupy. A maximum of 1 base will be allowed regardless of subsequent plays. If a runner advances beyond 1 base at their own risk, the runner may be called out. Otherwise, they must return to the allowable base.
A non-batted ball is defined as a ball thrown back to the pitcher in between pitches, or a thrown ball to a base in an attempt to put out a runner attempting to steal, a pickoff attempt or a passed ball.
On a batted ball, play will continue normally until its natural conclusion and the pitcher has control of the ball with both feet within the pitching circle. At this point, the look back rule is now in effect.
(d) SP: On a batted ball to the infield, runners may advance at their own risk a maximum of two bases from the base occupied at the time the pitch was made. On a batted ball to the outfield, runners may advance at their own risk with no limitations. This rule supersedes any other base awards including a ball thrown out-of-play.
“to the outfield” is defined as a batted ball into fair territory that EITHER reaches the outfield grass without first being touched by an infielder OR is first touched/fielded by an outfielder.
“to the infield” is defined as a batted ball into fair territory not meeting the criteria of 4.08(d)(1).
(e) SP: Stealing is NOT allowed
(f) SP: Runners may NOT lead off. If a runner leaves a base before the ball crosses home plate, the ball is dead and the runner will be called out.
(g) SP: A runner may score from third base only on a batted ball. EXCEPTION: Batter hit by pitch with bases loaded advances to first base and runner scores from third base.
(h) SP: A batter hit by a pitched ball (except when pitch is in the strike zone or pitched by a coach pitcher) will have the option of taking first base or continuing their at bat.
4.09 – Catchers | Home Plate
(a) The catcher must leave an avenue to the plate for the runner during a play at home unless in possession of the ball or in the act of receiving the ball. This rule will also apply to any other player covering home plate. For instance: the pitcher covering home plate on a wild pitch. (See Rule 5.01)
4.10 – Sliding
(a) SW, SN: Head first slides are allowed.
(b) SA, SP: Sliding is allowed however head first slides are NOT allowed except when a runner is returning to a previously occupied base. If a runner slides head first, other than when returning to a base, the ball is dead and the runner will be called out.
4.11 – Advancing on Overthrow
See rules Rule 4.08(c) and 4.08(d).
4.12 – Pitching
(a) SW: Pitchers are allowed to pitch a maximum of three innings in any one game.
(b) SN, SA, SP: Pitchers are allowed to pitch a maximum of two innings in any one game.
(c) SA, SP: All pitchers must pitch in a windmill fashion. If the windmill motion is not employed, the pitch will be called a ball unless successfully put in play, in which case it is the offensive manager’s option to take the play or a called ball.
(e) Any player warming up a pitcher, regardless of location, must wear a Catcher’s mask.
(f) Pitching changes can be made at any time except in the middle of a player’s at bat. Exception - In the case of injury to the pitcher, a pitching change may be made mid at bat. The manager should make his/her intention known to the home plate umpire.
(g) SW, SN: Illegal pitches – Warnings for illegal pitches shall be issued to each individual pitcher one time per game through the ending of the third full week of games. Beginning the fourth Monday of the season no warnings will be issued. Illegal pitches fall under the category of “Umpire Judgement”. See Rule 7.01(a).
(1) SW, SN: Called illegal pitches shall be enforced using JO Fastpitch rules. Illegal pitches are a delayed call, in which case it is the offensive manager’s option to take the play or a called ball unless all runners advance at least one base as a result of the play.
(2) SA, SP: Illegal pitches will not be called in these divisions; however, the umpire may point out incorrect pitching technique.
(h) Once one pitch is made in an inning, it counts as an “inning pitched”
(i) A defensive conference shall only be charged if it occurs after the first pitch or play in that half inning.
(j) SW, SN - Intentional walks are allowed. If the pitcher desires to intentionally walk the batter, all pitches must be legally delivered.
SA, SP - Intentional walks are not allowed
4.13 – Runs Per Inning
(a) SW, SN: There will be four runs maximum per team per inning through the fourth inning.
(1) The number of runs in the fifth and sixth innings is unlimited.
(b) SA: There will be three runs maximum per team per inning through the fourth inning.
(1) The number of runs in the fifth and sixth innings is unlimited.
(c) SP: There will be three runs maximum per team per inning through the third inning.
(1) The number of runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth innings is unlimited.
(d) In the limited innings, the batter, any baserunners and fielders should play any batted ball to the natural conclusion of the play, even when it appears that the final allowable run for that inning will score before the natural conclusion.
(e) All runs driven in by an over the fence home run will count regardless of the Maximum Run Rule (Rule 4.13(a)(b)(c)) and the Slaughter Rule (Rule 6.03(a)).
4.14 – Infield Fly
(a) SW, SN: Infield fly rule does apply
(b) SA, SP: Infield fly rule does not apply
5.01 – Intentional Contact
(a) When a defensive player is attempting to make a play on a runner at any base including home, unless the runner is sliding, the runner will be called out if they intentionally collide with the defensive player. (See Rule 4.09)
5.02 – Distracting Behavior
(a) No fielder shall take a position in the batter’s line of vision, and with deliberate unsportsmanlike intent, act in a manner to distract the batter. PENALTY: The umpire shall immediately call a dead ball, the offender shall be removed from the game and shall leave the playing field. If any pitch is made, it shall be nullified.
5.03 – Backstop Behavior
(a) No one may stand behind the backstop unless bleachers are positioned there. Coaches standing behind the backstop may be ejected by the umpire.
5.04 – Misconduct
(a) No manager, player, substitute, coach or batboy shall at any time, whether from the bench, the coach’s box or on the playing field, or elsewhere
(1) Incite, or try to incite, by word or sign, a demonstration by spectators;
(2) Use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire, or any spectator;
(3) Call “Time” or employ any word or phrase or commit any act while the ball is live and in play for the obvious purpose of trying to make the pitcher commit an illegal pitch.
(4) Make intentional contact with the umpire in any manner;
(5) Rule 5.04(a)1,2,3,4 violations are subject to immediate ejection by the umpire.
5.05 – Ejections
(a) Either physical or verbal altercations will result in an automatic ejection from the game. This includes players, managers, coaches and spectators. Any ejected person must leave the area before resumption of the game is permitted. ALL PLAYERS, MANAGERS AND COACHES will be subject to the PHBA Code of Conduct. Any player, manager or coach ejected from a game by the umpire may face further disciplinary action to be determined by the Division Commissioner and Head Commissioner that may affect their standing in future games. Additional sanctions may be imposed at the discretion of PHBA. Any player, manager or coach ejected for a second time in a season will face further disciplinary action to be determined by the Division Commissioner and Head Commissioner that may affect their standing in future games. The PHBA Board of Commissioners will review all suspensions and any appeals to a suspension.
6.01 – Game Length | Time Limits
(a) Six innings shall constitute a regular game. If after three innings the game must be called, it will go on record as a complete game – 2 ½ innings if the HOME TEAM is ahead.
(b) All games will have a two hour time limit - 90 minutes for Pioneer. All games begin at the scheduled time. A new inning begins immediately following the third out. No new inning will start after the time limit for any/all games. Once a new inning is started within the time limit, the inning will be played to completion, unless called in accordance with Rule 6.01(c)(d) or 6.05(a). The time limit pertains to starting a new inning - not finishing the inning once it has been started.
(c) All weekend games will have a “drop-dead” end time 2 hours 15 minutes after official start time. Pioneer Softball games will end 1 hour 45 minutes after official start time. This rule supersedes Rule 6.01(b) as it applies to the game time limit.
(d) There is a strict time limit for all games played at the College Park High School field on Saturday Nights – 3:00 pm, 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Games will end at the completion of six innings or 5:15pm, 7:45 pm or 10:15 pm, whichever occurs first. This rule supersedes Rule 6.01(b) as it applies to the two hour time limit - 90 minutes for Pionner.
6.02 – Ties
(a) If after six innings, the game is tied, the game will continue until a winner is determined, time permitting (see Rule 6.09(a)). If a tie game must be called, it will be counted as half of a win.
6.03 – Slaughter Rule
(a) If a team is ten runs ahead at the end of the fifth inning (4 ½ innings if the home team is ahead), the game will be called.
6.04 – Inning Surrender
(a) SW, SN, SA, SP: Each Manager may decide to end their offensive half of an inning if they choose by notifying the umpires that they will surrender the remainder of their at bats for the inning. At that point the half inning is over and the other team will come up to bat. This is only allowable in unlimited run innings. If the team that surrenders their inning comes up again, the batting order must start exactly where it was left off before so that no batters are skipped.
6.05 – Calling a Game | Unsafe Conditions
(a) Umpire’s may call a game at any time because of any unsafe playing conditions such as, but not limited to, darkness, foul weather or field time limits 6.01(c). Umpires must call the game for darkness ten minutes after the published sundown time for Pleasant Hill. If a game is called before any full inning is completed, the score reverts to the last full inning. No consideration to the score will be given by the umpires in determining whether to call a game. When the umpires call a game, the game will immediately stop and the score will revert to the end of the last full inning. For purposes of this rule, the last “full inning” is defined as the last inning in which the Visiting Team has completed its turn at bat with three outs and the Home Team has either completed its turn at bat with three outs or the Home Team is at bat and either tied or is leading in runs scored, regardless of the number of outs. There are three possible scenarios.
(1) If a game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Visiting Team is still at bat, the score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning.
(2) If a game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Home Team is at bat with less than three outs, and the Home Team is behind in runs scored, the score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning. If the Home team has tied the score after being behind the previous inning, the game will be scored a TIE. The score will revert back to the score at the end of the prior inning in any other scenario except Rule 6.05(a)(3).
(3) If the game is called in accordance with Rule 6.05(a) and the Home Team is at bat and is leading in runs scored, the score will be the current score and the Home Team will be declared the winner.
6.06 – Game Rescheduling
(a) No game will be rescheduled, except for bad weather or unsafe playing conditions. All proposed rescheduling must be approved in advance by the Division Commissioner. Rain outs are a tie if not rescheduled. Games not played due to weather will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Division Commissioner.
6.07 – Incomplete Game
(a) A game called under Rule 6.05(a) that is not yet a complete game under Rule 6.01(a) will be rescheduled to the extent possible under Rule 6.06(a). A rescheduled game will resume at the point that the game was called and will continue until it qualifies as a complete game, ie, three innings completed (2 ½ innings if the home team is ahead). The batting order, pitchers and innings pitched will carry over to the resumed game.
6.08 – Team Minimums
(a) This rule moved to Softball Rule 3.01(c)
6.09 – Game Time Delay
(a) The Umpire In Charge (UIC) may pause the game clock as it pertains to the allotted time limit in the case of a significant injury, weather or other field condition related delay.
(1) Significant injury is an injury that requires a stop in play to attend to a player or other participant in the field of play for greater than 5 minutes.
(2) In the judgment of the UIC, weather or other field conditions require temporary stop in play and removal of all participants from the field, but does not lead to calling the game under Rule 6.05(a).
In such cases the UIC shall notify the official scorekeeper at the time such pause begins and ends, notify both teams that the time clock has been paused and time will be added. When play is ready to resume, the UIC shall notify the official scorekeeper and both teams of the amount of time to be added. The official scorekeeper shall document the length of time paused and the new end time for the game.
All other rules governing the end of a game as outlined in section 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 60.5 and 6.07 shall remain in effect.
(b) All forfeiture times are ten minutes after official game time. Umpire’s time is considered official.
6.10 – Protests
(a) Protests may be entered on the interpretations of the rules or the illegal use of players. There can be no protest over a judgment call of the umpires.
(b) PROTEST PROCEDURE: The protesting Manager shall immediately notify the umpire, before another ball is pitched or any succeeding play begins, that the game is being played under protest. The umpire will then notify the opposing Manager and both scorekeepers. The protest (in writing from the protesting Manager) must be delivered to the Commissioner of that division within 48 hours of the game’s end. Violation of this procedure voids the protest. A $100.00 fee must be included with the formal protest and will be returned only if the protest is allowed.
7.01 – Interrupted Play
(a) In most cases, when an injury occurs to a game participant within the field of play, umpires shall allow the play to proceed to conclusion before calling time.
(b) If in the judgment of the umpires, an injury to a game participant within the field of play is significant enough to jeopardize the safety of the participant, then time may be called immediately.
(1) Once the Umpire In Charge (UIC) determines the situation has resolved sufficiently to continue the game safely, the UIC will confer with the other umpires to determine appropriate actions to provide a natural conclusion to the play. If needed they may confer with the official scorekeeper.
7.02 - Judgment Calls
(a) Managers, coaches or players cannot dispute any judgment call by the umpire (i.e. balls, strikes etc). Disputing a judgment call may result in ejection from the game.
8.01 – Official Scorekeeper
(a) Home Team supplies the official scorekeeper. Visiting Team supplies an additional scorekeeper. Each manager must present to the opposing scorekeeper a completed lineup card prior to the beginning of the game. After each inning, the Visiting Team scorekeeper will check with the Home Team scorekeeper for the correct score. Disagreements will be resolved by the umpire.
8.02 – Scorebook Audits
(a) All scorebooks are subject to audit by the Division Commissioner at any time.
8.03 – Posting Game Scores
(a) Both team managers are responsible for posting the game score on the league website within 24 hours.
Knowing the rules is one thing. Applying them in the game in the moment is a different thing. Maintaining composure when someone is arguing the call...well, let's just say it is tough.
Over the years, there are some very common rules & game situations that cause angst between coaches & umpires. Here are a few to to understand well, whether you are a coach, umpire or fan.
1. Running Lane Violation
When the batter-runner is advancing to first base, he/she is required to run in foul territory. In the event the runner physically or visually interferes with the throw, catch or the defense, over or in fair territory, the runner will be called out for interference. All other runners must return to the last base held.
For Baseball, the Running Lane is extended into fair territory equal to the width of 1st Base.
For Softball, the batter-runner must be in the running lane and the lines are considered "in the running lane.”
2. Passing First Base
A batter-runner that runs past first base may turn in either direction to return to first base without liability to be put out. They give up that right if they make an attempt (“intent”) to advance to second base. If they do make an attempt, they may be tagged out prior to touching first base again. Determining intent is the sole judgment of the umpire.
3. Look Back Rule (Softball)
In softball, when the pitcher controls the ball within the circle with both feet, all runners off base must choose to advance or retreat “immediately”. If a runner is occupying a base, she may not leave the base. This rule is not in effect until the batter-runner reaches first base. After rounding a base, a runner is allowed one “stop” before choosing to advance or retreat. Hesitating or stopping a second time after choosing a direction is a violation unless the pitcher fakes or makes a throw which releases all runners. After a fake throw all runners must once again immediately choose a direction.
4. Runner Interference
Base runners must avoid fielders attempting to field a batted ball even if it was touched by the pitcher. The right of the fielder to a batted ball supercedes a runner’s right to the base path. Interference is the act of an offensive player that impedes, hinders or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. The interference can be anything from a distraction by running too near the fielder to actual contact. There does not have to be contact to constitute interference. Running in front of the fielder may be a distraction and can be an interference violation.
A baserunner that is hit by a batted ball is not out if the ball has just passed an infielder, or was touched by an infielder and deflected. We're talking about a ball that goes through the legs or off the glove of an infielder and then hits the base runner.
In Baseball, only one fielder may have an opportunity to make a play.
In Softball, there can be two fielders with the right to field the ball as long as the second fielder is behind the runner.
If runner interference is called, the ball is dead, the runner is out, the batter-runner is awarded first base and all other runners must return to the last base held at the time of the pitch unless forced to advance.
5. Batter's Interference with Cather's Throw
Batters inadvertently interfere with catcher's attempted throws, most often to third base, when they back up and out of the batters box and into the catcher’s “throwing lane.” Intentional or not, the batter may be guilty of an interference violation and can be called out if the umpire determined batter interference has occurred. Keep in mind, a throw need not occur.
When a base runner is stealing and the catcher comes up quickly with a throw to attempt to retire the runner, the batter cannot in any way impede the catcher's effort – either intentionally or unintentionally. There is a common misconception that if a batter remains in the batter's box he cannot be called out for interference. This is not true. The batter's box is not a safe haven.
Sometimes a bad throw is just a bad throw. But if the catcher's throw gets disrupted in any way, regardless of intent, it may be considered interference. Generally, if the batter remains still in the batter's box and makes no movement, then he is protected from interference. This may also happen as a result of being off balance after a swing.
The batter's interference play that causes the most arguments is not on a straight-up steal. Instead, it's when the catcher mishandles a pitch (or is handling a wild pitch) with runners on base. The ball is on the ground while the runners are in motion and the catcher is diving or grabbing for the ball. At the same time, the batter is dancing out of the way while trying to avoid interfering and in doing so he instead interferes. That's interference.
If the umpire feels that the batter interfered with the throw by the catcher, the batter is out, the ball is dead and all runners must return to the base they held at the time of the pitch.
6. Batter's Interference with Play at the Plate
When a runner attempts to steal home, the batter has to make an effort to get out of the way of the play at the plate. More commonly, interference with a play at the plate happens when there is a runner on third base and then there's a passed ball or wild pitch and the runner tries to score. You have the catcher scrambling for the ball, the pitcher running in to cover the plate, and you have the runner running toward home.
It is a common misnomer that the batter is entitled to the batter’s box. This is only partially true when the catcher attempts a pick-off throw at 3rd base. Otherwise, the batter must vacate the area to avoid a collision or from impeding the catcher or pitcher from making a play at home. This includes blocking the catcher from retrieving the ball. If the batter hinders the play whether intentionally or not, we have Batter’s Interference.
In Baseball, with less than two outs, the runner is out. With two outs, the batter is out. In either scenario, no run scores.
In Softball, the batter is always out. All runners must return to the last base touched at the time of interference; no run may score.
7. Obstruction
No fielder may block the base path without possession of the ball. Catchers are most often at fault by waiting for a throw in the runner’s path. Runners have the first right to the path they have chosen when the fielder does not yet possess the ball. Fielders must give base runners access to the plate or any base until such time as they have the ball in their hands and only then do they have a right to be in the runner’s chosen path.
PHBA follows the Baseball rule with respect to errant throws for both Baseball and Softball. An errant (off line) throw that brings the fielder into the path of the runner is not an obstruction violation on the fielder even when they ultimately make the catch and tag the runner.
A fielder without possession of the ball is in the way (“obstruction”) of a runner attempting to round the base or run through home plate. Not allowing the base runner to round to the inside corner of the bag when no play is being made at that base or run through home plate at full speed is an obstruction violation on the fielder. In the case of home plate, the runner is forced to slow down or even to slide. The umpire should signal the obstruction by raising the left arm horizontal to the ground.
When signaled by the umpire, the runner cannot be put out between the two bases where they were obstructed. They will be awarded the next base only if, in the umpire’s judgment, they would reasonably have made that base. Otherwise the runner must stay at the last base acquired. If the runner continues on and is then put out, and in the opinion of the umpire they would not have been put out had obstruction not occurred at first base, then they may be awarded second, third or home.
8. Slide or avoid
MLB, USA Softball and PHBA have rules to protect players from unnecessary collisions. Slide or avoid is such an option. The problem is in understanding when to apply it. Sliding is always an option -- never a requirement!
The only time a runner would need to avoid a fielder by sliding or giving themselves up, is when they are obviously going to be out because the fielder has the ball and is waiting for them. In such a case, the runner may choose to slide or otherwise avoid contact with the fielder.
In a situation where the fielder is waiting for a throw and is standing in or is subsequently drawn into the runner’s path by a thrown ball and contact occurs with a runner, it is the fielder that may be at fault by entering the lane of a runner who is legally advancing.
A fielder receiving a throw at the last second does not make the runner guilty of failing to slide or avoid. It is not the responsibility of any runner to anticipate wayward throws that may create a possible last second possession of the ball and a possible collision. Unless the fielder possesses the ball in adequate time for the runner to recognize that they will be out there is no requirement for the runner to slow or otherwise avoid continuing their legal advance. When contact occurs in this situation it is most likely incidental contact.
Malicious contact is not allowed and every attempt to avoid hard contact is required of both players. Incidental contact may occur without necessarily penalizing either player.
9. Ball thrown into dead ball area base awards
When a throw goes into dead ball territory, the bases awarded are determined from the time of the throw, not when the ball goes into dead ball territory. The umpire must judge what base the runner had reached at the time of the throw. All awards are two bases regardless where the throw was from or who threw it. Batter runners going to first are awarded first and second.
Example: with a runner on first base at the time of the pitch, a throw going into dead ball territory results in the base runner being awarded third base. With an ongoing play, if a runner reached second prior to the release of a throw that wound up in dead ball territory, that runner would be awarded home.
In the case of a pick-off play in baseball, the following conditions can occur. The pitcher becomes a fielder when he steps off the pitching plate prior to making the pick-off attempt. If the throw goes out of play, the runners are awarded two bases as described above. If the pitcher legally attempts a pick-off without stepping off the pitching plate first and the ball goes out of play, the runners are awarded 1 base.
10. Infield fly
With runners on first and second base or bases loaded with less than two outs, an infield fly is in effect with a routine pop-up in the infield that can be caught with ordinary effort as opposed to a pop-up that a fielder might catch with extra effort. Ordinary effort is judged by the umpire and modified for the level of play in each division where the infield fly rule is active.
When an Infield Fly is announced, the batter is out but the ball remains live, and in all other respects it is simply a fly ball.
11. Runner Interference after Being Declared OUT
There is a misconception that there is no violation when a batter-runner is called out on a 3rd strike, but then runs towards 1st base as if the Dropped 3rd Strike rule is effect. Usually, other baserunners will advance on such a play. However, this may be considered Runner Interference on the batter-runner.
When, after being declared out (or after scoring,) an offensive player interferes with a defensive player’s opportunity to make a play on another runner. A runner continuing to run and drawing a throw may be considered a form of interference. This includes a batter-runner who is not entitled to run on the Dropped 3rd Strike.
In the event of Runner Interference in this case, the ball is dead, the batter-runner is out AND the runner closest to home is out. All other runners must return to the last base touched at the time of interference.
The Dropped 3rd Strike rule is in effect whenever 1st base is unoccupied previous to the pitch or with 2 outs.
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