LOG IN: your email (the one you used to register)


Once you enter Sports Helper, you can update your password.

Please remember ALL team specific roles need to be filled by Saturday, February 1st. PHBA Board Members will be on site checking your teams’ credentials in Sports Helper upon equipment pick up. Any team equipment bags not picked up, will not be permitted to practice.

To find your team: 

In the task box click on the “search tasks and activities”

If you filter the activities by “tasks by activity” you will see league wide opportunities categorized as well as your league your player(s) are registered in labeled as  “Team Volunteer Positions.”

Scroll down, find your team & sign up for your team roles! Manager & Coaches, please do this as well, registering your name under the manager/coach role.

As you know, umpiring is a vital role within our league. Please consider this role, grab a friend and split the games for your team. As our league continies to grows so does the need to fulfil important roles such as coaching, umpiring, field prep, etc.

Teams without an umpire, face fees up to $1300 ($100 per player). However, we hope each family understands- we do not want your money, we need your assistance instead.

Snack Shack & additional league wide sign-ups will be added over the next week.

Attached is our League Service Hours info chart to help explain the requirements. If you were a waitlisted player, or assigned to a team after Wednesday, January 22nd please respond to this email so we can get you programmed into Sports Helper.