Blue Crew

Mission & Philosophy

To do our utmost, through training and mentoring, to be professional and conscientious in our performance as umpires to put the best possible product on the field for the kids and have fun doing it.  It's a great way to fulfill your volunteer hours from the best seat in the house.  The Blue Crew and umpire training program are led by the Umpire Leadership Team (ULT) with Chief Ray Wrice at the helm. 

The ULT takes great pride in developing umpires, utilizing a strong training and mentoring program to help you learn quickly and feel comfortable in your responsibilities.  Whether you're new to umpiring at PHBA or refreshing your skills from past seasons, our simplified approach to learning the rules and training on the field ensures you are equipped with the necessary skills to be successful as an umpire and make the game fun for the kids.

Here's What You'll Learn


The first rule of umpiring is to know the rules of the game.  While this sounds simple enough, these rules have many applications but when to apply them in real time can be challenging.  This is why we pair rookies with veterans and strive to have 2 umpires per game.

Find your Voice

Umpires need to be clear and need to be heard.  The non-verbal movements are great, but there is nothing better than an umpire who makes definitive calls.  We will work with every umpire to make sure their voice is heard.


Knowing where to be comes with preparation and experience. We will supply you with the tools to be prepared and you will make the time to gain the experience.  This time gives you the chance to create an awesome experience for the kids.


An umpire has to look the part which goes a long way to acting the part.  We will provide you with the shirt and hat.  You add the pants and shoes as we prepare you to complete the look.  We strive to have you look like you belong on the field, just like the other two teams on the field!


Communication takes two forms on the ball field.  One is how you communicate with managers and coaches when situations become edgy.  Maintaining your cool is important in bringing any situation under control.  Recognizing you are the only one on the field who does not care about the outcome of the game.

The second form of communication takes place between your partner and you.  Both verbal and silent, understanding how this communication keeps you involved in the game is important.

Scheduling Games

Schedule your own games based on your schedule and your child's.  We understand there are many demands on your time and we provide you with the tool that gives you the best chance to get your games in.  Many umpires schedule the game they can cover on the day of the game while others schedule many weeks out.


The Public wouldn't like the perfect umpire in every game. It would kill off baseball's greatest alibi - "we was robbed!"

Billy Evans